On the Meaning of Being Chinese Ethnically speaking, I fe...

On the Meaning of Being Chinese Ethnically speaking, I feel I am complicated to classify, but who isn’t, right? To me, being Chinese-Brazilian in America m...

INEP - Inglês - 2016 - Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio - Primeiro e Segundo Dia - PPL

On the Meaning of Being Chinese

Ethnically speaking, I feel I am complicated to classify, but who isn’t, right? To me, being Chinese-Brazilian in America means a history of living in three opposite cultures, and sometimes feeling that I did not belong in neither, a constant struggle that immigrants, and national citizens, face when their appearance is foreign to natives in the country. Jokingly, I say that I am Asian in America, Brazilian in China, and a “gringa” in Brazil. Nevertheless, 1 believe that dealing with these hard to reconcile extremes have somehow helped me to become more comfortable with my identity.

BELEZA LI. Disponível em: www.aiisf.org. Acesso em: 28 mar. 2014.

Nesse fragmento, Beleza Li resume sua experiência de vida ao descrever a complexidade em

A) viver como imigrante em um país asiático.
B) definir quem ela é no que concerne à etnia.
C) compreender as culturas que a constituem.
D) lidar com brincadeiras sobre sua aparência.
E) lutar contra a discriminação nos Estados Unidos.



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